I am a freelance American proofreader and editor from Seattle (but living in Spain) with bachelor’s degrees in history and Spanish from the University of Washington, postgraduate studies in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), a year of systems engineering studies, an MBA from the University of Barcelona, and a general proofreading certificate from Proofread Anywhere. I speak fluent Spanish, French, and Portuguese. I have worked with British colleagues and taught advanced British English for over twenty-five years, so I can switch between American and British dialects. Besides being a proofreader and part-time English teacher, I have also worked as a Spanish teacher, an international studies teacher, a Spanish–English translator, an import buyer, a web designer, an SEO specialist, a website owner, a writer, an academic manager, a marketing director, and even an occasional rock singer.
I love writing and spend hours of my free time reading—everything from novels to annual company reports. When searching for something to read recently, I told a host that “if it has letters, I’ll read it.” Eclectic theories, information, and facts fascinate me.
As an English teacher, my favorite skill to teach is writing, and I enjoy giving my students feedback and watching them improve over the year. Outside of school, I can’t help spotting misspellings, typos, and errors, sometimes in the New York Times.
I am truly a word nerd. I like highlighting weird examples and quirky exceptions in books about English, like The Chicago Manual of Style and The Best Punctuation Book Ever, Period, and entertaining my teaching colleagues with them. After all, who doesn’t love a little staff room chat about the serial comma or the correct spelling of yogurt (or is it yoghurt, yogourt, or yoghourt?).
I can’t find the patience for crosswords, but I can spot an obscure mistake in an article and tell you why it is so. If you also like that kind of English trivia, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog. And if you need proofreading or editing services, feel free to contact me for a quote with a sample of your work.
Note: I use The Chicago Manual of Style guidelines and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for this website’s content.